
Sunday, June 19, 2022

New ending

 In class, we read the Thirst, and our task was to make up our own ending to the story.

I think I have done the following well: Using figurative language 

Something I still need to work on is adding more about their thoughts, and feelings and explaining more about what's going on in one part.


Dad shouted once more. His voice rumbled through the trees, scattering the birds that had been perched at the cans quenching their thirst. There was no sign of Ryder. Ryder was frightened to come back home because he knew he was in the wrong. Fear built up in Ryder's soul, what should I do? He wondered. 

Ryder's mum and dad had guilt in them that Ryder shouldn’t have stolen their water. 

His mum and dad asked each other “what shall we do to keep him away from stealing their water?”

Ryder's dad asked Brooke, “Where did your brother go” Brooke's voice quivered “ I don't know, he didn't tell me where he was going”. Mum was mad. Brooke and her dad jumped in the truck, searching for him around town, and went to Ryder's mate's house but they didn't go through the forest. A few hours passed, Ryder knocked on the door. No one answered. He was scared.


Ryder went knocking around the house after he came running out of the forest. Brooke heard and got scared because it was late at night. She ran to her dad's room but Ryder said “Brooke don't wake dad up just open the door” she replied, “Ryder your back” running to the door all happily. “Shhhh shhh Brooke your gonna wake mum and dad up” She opened the door quietly “ where did you go, we were worried about you” she threw her arms around him and gave him a big hug. Go get some sleep Ryder said. The sun shone upon Ryder's face. He opened his eyes and boom! There was his dad. Ryder gripped his blankets and said “ I'm sorry dad I didn't mean to” with fear in his voice. His dad said “ I'm proud of you son, your trying to look after us” his dad pulled him out of bed and said “come here son, come to have breakfast” but Ryder you have to get a consequence because you stole. A smile flew on his mum's face as Ryder walked into the kitchen. “I'm glad your home and safe” she replied. Later in the day, she questioned him about why he stole their neighbor's water and why? 


 He replied “ because I saw how dirty Brookes's uniform was and how the paint off the house was coming off” so I did something for us.” You're still getting a consequence Ryder, stealing isn't good, especially from our neighbors” dad said.  “Okay, ill take it” Ryder moaned. Brooke came walking into the kitchen, “did you know that he was stealing water, Brooke?”  “No no, he didn't tell me what he was doing I just saw him doing something, but he didn't say he was stealing our neighbor's water” “Ok ok, but you might have to get a little consequence because you seen him doing it and didn't tell him no” Mum replied. Brooke stomped away to her room. “Oh, these kids” mum groaned. It was the next day, “Ryder get up and rake all these brown, crusty, dirty leafs” dad said. “Ohh can do it later” Ryder replied,  “No,” said, dad. The more he didn't want to do it, the more he had to do it cause he kept moaning about it. Hours passed and he still hasn't finished.”Go Brooke your turn” “oh can I clean the kitchen instead” that's a good idea. So there were their consequences. They’ll learn now. 

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